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Make a contribution to Connections United Church of Christ today. Use our eGiving platform or PayPal platform to make a one time contribution or recurring contribution. eGiving makes giving hassle free, set it up and forget about it knowing that you didn't forget to contribute.

Support Connections through your online shopping through Goodshop, iGive, and Amazon Smiles. Use Goodshop's Search Engine or iGive's Search engine and they will donate a penny for every search you complete. You already shop and search, why not make it support the church? 


Another great way to get involved is to volunteer, volunteer opportunities abound within the church. Consider putting your time and talent to use and help grow your church. Volunteer at an upcoming event, church ministry, donate an in-kind donation (an item or product donation) from our wish list or other ongoing campaign. Can't find a posted need for your talent? Talk to a member of the leadership team about how your talent could possibly be used.


When going out to eat, consider dining at one of these great local restaurants who have agreed to donate a portion of your meal check to Connections.

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