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Real Faith, Real People!


Connections UCC is a fairly new church in Hagerstown, MD started on the belief that the church should be a place of love and acceptance.  We believe that Christianity is often both misunderstood and misrepresented.  A recent study of young people ages 16-29 showed that they believe Christians are hypocritical, judgmental, too political and homophobic.  Is this who Jesus called us to be? If this is what people think of us, then it is our job to change that view! God is a God of love and acceptance. Jesus included people everyone else wanted to shut out.  That is the message of the United Church of Christ and it is the reason Veritas exists. We are a Church committed to the Truth. What is this truth?  That NO one is outside of God's love. God made you. That God loves you exactly as you are and that there is room in God's heart for you. whether you're Gay or Straight, Black, White or Latino, married or single, pierced or inked, there is  a place in God's heart (and with us) for you! 


In April 2014, Connections UCC went from a church plant status to a congregation in good standing within the Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ complete with children's ministry during worship, small groups meetings during the week, social gatherings to build friendships, mission projects to impact our community and vibrant worship to sustain our spiritual journeys. We are so excited about the way God has been at work. New people have been joining us and we are growing!  


Come as you are, and join us on the journey, together!


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Our Message

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Leadership


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