Connections Six Eight is a mainline, Protestant church in the United Church of Christ tradition. An open and affirming just-peace church meaning we welcome ALL God's children as you were created to be, and that we practice compassion/social justice as an expression of our faith. Connections Six Eight was formed and continues to follow the call to make a difference in our community and world.
Together, we continue to explore and live the meaning of Christian discipleship in today’s world. No matter who you are, where you have been, or where you are at currently on life's journey, you are loved and accepted by God, and us. Come as you are, and join us on the journey together!
Mission & Purpose
We believe that the door to God is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be a safe place for ALL people to find a safe, loving place to grow in their relationship with God, creation, others, and self.
Connections Six Eight is committed to changing lives and giving hope through authentic relationships with God and each other. We show God’s love and concern for others at every opportunity. Through works of charity, equality, social justice, and opening our doors to listen and love, we feel that we are truly living our faith as Christ taught: without judgment and unconditional love for all people.
Our Name
Connections Six Eight is a name chosen with purpose. We believe that life is about relationships (i.e. connections). Throughout the Bible you find the concepts of hospitality, love, and compassion consuming much of the sacred texts. Jesus even summed up the law and the prophets with two great commandments that instructed us to love, love, and love: Love God, and love others as we love ourself. We believe there are four great connections: God, Creation, Others, and Self. Creation is included because in Genesis we were instructed to care for the earth, looking out for its best interest ensuring its continued existence for future generations. That requires love! Six Eight refers to Micah 6:8 which guides us on navigating these relationships (and what God requires): seek [social] justice, love kindness (i.e. be compassionate and loving), and walk humbly with God.
Connections Six Eight is a 501(c)(3) that depends on donations from faithful supporters like you. Without donations we can't impact our community, region or world. Guidestar profile coming soon
Quick Links
Community Outreach:
Transgender Day of Visibility
Transgender Day of Remembrance
POZ Aware Walk of Awareness
Day of Compassion
Church Events Calendar:
Top Shelf Connections:
Join us 7:30-8:30pm on Wednesday evenings for a time of reflection and fellowship as we commune together in God's love. Church for everybody, Church re-imagined!
4statePride Faith Network:
LGBTQ+ Outreach, making faith more accessible to all people without judgment or condition.
Mission Six Eight:
A vision in the making, Mission Six Eight will act as the social justice arm of Connections Six Eight allowing us to serve our community better.
Other Ministries & Groups:
Affirming Faith Communities of the 4 State